I'm kind of 50/50 with this topic. I like blogs because it gives you a chance to better your writing. I like term papers because once you turn it in and get it back from the teacher you'll get a chance to see what you need to work on and what your strong points are. Once you know your strong and low points with your writing then you can use your blog to help. Writing a nicely detailed term paper takes time and practice, you can use your blog to write about what you'll be writing about in your paper. Using your blog like a brainstorming tool can be very helpful. Typing out all of your ideas and research can help you stay organized. Plus using a blog instead of a notebook to keep your brainstorming ideas is a lot easier to keep up with.
Blogs should be used to be creative and communicate with classmates, etc. Being creative will help a lot to have an open mind when given a term paper assignment. The term paper should reflect the amount of time and effort you put it in. A lot of effort can come from using your blog in a positive way. So in my opinion, I'm not against blogs nor term papers. They can only help you in the long run for future references. I know in my last blog post it seemed like I was totally against blogging and only wanted to write papers like a regular English class, but I've took into consideration how this blog can help me out a lot... and even this Hybrid class. :)
I agree with every word, although I am slightly for blog assignments more than term papers. Also, I like how mentioned your last blog post in regards to you improving with your current blog post. I understand o your point of view on the subject, and appreciate such an open view.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you are saying about using a blog as a brainstorming. It can also be used for feedback from other bloggers as well. A blog can let more people see what your writing at one time and give you feedback. So I think I like blogs a little bit more than term papers
ReplyDeleteI agree. I like blogging better than term papers because blogging has a broader environment for creativity. Blogging gives me more freedom to write anything.I like getting comments on blogs about the things i did good on and the things I didn't do good on from other bloggers.
ReplyDeleteI like how you took a more balanced view on this debate. I also like your idea of using the blog as a forum for brainstorming your formal term paper. I use this method in my EH 102 and students really seem to like it and feel like it makes the term papers less intimidating. You have a really nice argument about the usefulness of both types of writing and how they can be used together.
ReplyDeleteI thought you did a great job in this post because you described both sides of the argument. You told us the ups and downs of both blogging and term papers. Also, I agree with you. I am 50/50 on it too. I feel as if the blogs give us more opportunity to be creative and let our minds take our writing above and beyond. On the other hand, I believe it is a bit easier to write term papers because you have the specific topic that you have to write about and you know exactly what length it needs to be. Either way I think that we are able to improve our writing skills, just in two different aspects; creativity in blogs and style and accuracy in term papers. Great post girl!