Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Deserted Island

I really liked this project on the DS106 website. I felt like I could get really creative with this because I wanted to use real-life photos of me instead of photos off the internet. Growing up people have always asked me what I would take with me on a deserted island. My response would always be "Well, you know... my cellphone, etc, etc.", basically materialistic items that doesn't have any worth. But doing this project really opened my eyes because all I would really need is my friends to keep me occupied, my parents because I wouldn't want to leave them, and food to eat so I can survive. Who needs a cellphone to text from when you have your friends right there with you? That's how I view it. I feel like if I really was on a deserted island with these 3 things then I would have the time of my life. I would have so much fun just hanging with my friends and family, relaxing on the beach, playing in the water, then sitting down eating dinner at night like one big happy family. I would love that actually. So yes, these are the 3 things I would take with me on a deserted island. :)


  1. I like how you get creative with this blog post Alicia and i also enjoyed your collage of pictures. If it was up to me i would do the exact same thing as you would on an island. Your use of creativity and imagination is great with these type of projects. Good job alicia.

  2. This is a great post Alicia. I like all the pictures you used to show your life over the years.

  3. Alicia, I like this idea. You are surrounded by the people you love and necessities so theres nothing else you would need. I do think you would need tents also. LOL.I didn't see this assignment in DS106, it's a good one. You did great on it.
